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The Tzolkin, a 260-Day Snapshot of Time, is a tool, used with a similar purpose as astrology that gives great insights on who we are and what we are here to do. It is a beautiful, symbolic, creative and fun approach to life!
The first step is to get acquainted with your birth Kin (Galactic Signature) and deepen your understanding on what motivates or triggers you, in other words why you do the things you do, and what you can actually do to change what no longer serves you.
Once you know your personal Oracle, a great way to learn how to use the Tzolkin and get in tune with the daily energies is by following the 13-day cycles called Wavespells in ways that specifically relate to you.
General Overview
Jose and Lloydine Argüelles claimed the Tzolkin to be based on a fourth-dimensional pattern called a "galactic spin."
Significance of the number 13
The number 13 in the Dreamspell calendar appears both as the "galactic tone" of the daily galactic signature, as well as in the 13 Moons of 28 days each are the "months" of the calendar. The 13 Moons are named after the 13 galactic tones. The names of the 13 galactic tones are: Magnetic, Lunar, Electric, Self-Existing, Overtone, Rhythmic, Resonant, Galactic, Solar, Planetary, Spectral, Crystal, and Cosmic.
Twenty solar seals representing the days
The names of the 20 solar seals used to name the days are Red Dragon, White Wind, Blue Night, Yellow Seed, Red Serpent, White World-Bridger, Blue Hand, Yellow Star, Red Moon, White Dog, Blue Monkey, Yellow Human, Red Skywalker, White Wizard, Blue Eagle, Yellow Warrior, Red Earth, White Mirror, Blue Storm, and Yellow Sun. These 20 solar seals are continually repeated in a 20-day cycle. The 20-day cycle repeated 13 times (20 × 13) equals 260 days or one Tzolkin or "galactic spin."
260 possible different names for the days (KIN)
The name of the solar seal of the day (of 20 solar seals) and the name of the galactic tone (of 13 tones) combine to create a galactic signature for every day. This generates a list of 20 × 13 = 260 possible day names (galactic signatures).

THE MAYAN FACTOR by Jose Arguelles
This is the extraordinary book that initiated the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987 and awakened the world to the Mayan Calendar. In it, Jose Arguelles revealed three revolutionary ideas:
1. That a great moment of human transformation awaited us as we approached 2012:
2. That there are galactic "seasons" and that the Maya accurately recorded them; and
3. That each person has the capability to connect directly with the energy of a beam emanating from the galactic center that contains the power to awaken the higher mind.
It is interesting to note that recent decodings of the hieroglyphs at Palenque, Maya City in Mexico, which are understood to have been made during the reign of Pacal the Great, refer to dates beyond the end of the Long Count calendar in 2012.
On the Tablet of theTemple of Inscriptions at Palenque a date of 5 Lamat 1 Mol can be inferred – otherwise known as 21 October 4772, almost 3000 years in the future.
Perhaps we can deduce from this that Pacal himself believed that the end of the fifth age did not represent the end of time or of the Earth, and that his name would be still mentioned in the sixth age.
In 1987 organized in Power Sites around the world by Jose Arguelles, Sedona, Arizona, attracted thousands of believers to the Harmonic Convergence, an international event based on the Mayan calendar, celebrating an unusual planetary alignment believed to usher in an age of peace and harmony.
Mayan Calendar:
A lunar-solar calendar that tracks the Earth's orbit around the sun using the moon's 28-day orbit
DREAMSPELL 13 Moon Calendar
The Dreamspell is an esoteric calendar in part inspired by the Maya Calendar by New Age spiritualist, Mayanist philosopher, and author José Argüelles and Lloydine Burris Argüelles. The Dreamspell calendar was initiated in 1987.
According to José and Lloydine Argüelles, two of the main purposes of the Dreamspell calendar are:
To synchronize human beings with our "galactic roots" by tuning us in to the spiritual energy from Hunab Ku, a being Argüelles asserts is the governing deity of the Milky Way Galaxy.
To convert humanity from thinking that "Time is Money" to thinking that "Time is Art" and thus give human beings more scope for their creativity.
The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your Galactic Signature. Your Galactic Signature is one of the 260 possibilities encoded in the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module.
After 52 years, your Galactic Birthday and Gregorian Birthday meet again on the same day for the first time and, as of your 52nd birthday onwards, the entire pattern of energies from your date of birth repeats itself, giving you a wonderful opportunity for a conscious re-birth!
By playing the role of your galactic signature, you allow yourself – your mind, body and spirit – to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world.
What is your Galactic Signature?
Find out this and so much more by booking one of our Mayan Astrology Readings below.
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